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01. N-14
The first track created by Dash, New Age Samples.
Production first started in spring-2005, the final version of the track was only born in summer-2006. There are 4 total released MP3s of this track.
The Demo, the Alpha, the Prototype and the Final Version.
02. M-18
Production first started in spring-2006, the final version of this track was quickly finished. There are 2 total released MP3s of this track.
The Prototype and the Final Version.
New Age Samples.
03. Destiny
Production first started in summer-2006. This track is an arranged version of a solo that is present in the track N-14.
New Age Samples.
04. Dash
Production started in summer-2006. This track is an arranged version of a solo that is present in the track M-18.
New Age Samples.
05. StarSky
Production started in summer-2006. This track marks the change between samples.
This was the first music created with the Wave X Samples from MixWaves.
Dash says: "This one was made thinking about stars and space... Anyways... I was kinda on the moon and sad when I made this one...".
06. Violence
Production started in fall-2006, Wave X Samples.
Dash says: "I made this one while thinking about 'Tekken 5'. LoL".
07. Sadness
Production started in fall-2006. This track was still created with the New Age Samples from MixWaves.
Dash says: "I made this one with a great sadness in my heart... It was a bad day... Nevertheless...".
Production started in fall-2006, Wave X Samples.
Dash says: "This one here is dedicated to the ALIEN movies... I always loved these movies! ALIEN, ALIENS, ALIEN³ and ALIEN RESURRECTION. I consider this track one of the best tracks I ever created.".
09. SlowBass
Production started in summer-2006. This track was still created with the New Age Samples from MixWaves.
Dash says: "This one was made slowly... lol".
10. Groove
Production started in fall-2006, Wave X Samples.
Dash says: "Just wanted to make something more groovy and happy. Didn't came out exactly how it was planed but... Anyways, we're not perfect. LoL. Still, a good track.".
11. EuroTrance
Production started in winter-2006, Wave X Samples.
Dash says: "I wanted to make this track more specific and extended. Then, It turns out that I heard what I've made and though: 'Well.. It's pretty good.. But small... What the heck!' - So it turned out in kind of an intermission... You can see it has a background music from a movie trailer. Lol.".
12. Raging Streets
Production started in 24 May 2007 and finished the day after, Wave X Samples.
There are 2 total released MP3s of this track. The Prototype and the Final Version.
Dash says: "I turned on my Dreamcast and started playing 'Streets of Rage 2'... I noticed that the music from level 1 was pretty cool... So grabbed the major lead and made this music! Hope you like it.".
13. Techever
Production started in May 2007 and finished the same month, Wave X Samples.
Dash says: "I wanted to make a great single out of Techno and some Dance samples, equal to the success that N-14 and M-18 has...
And I guess I have made it... XD".
14. Beats
Production started in 2005, this track took a long turn in it's development, Wave X Samples.
There are 2 total released MP3s of this track. The Prototype and the Final Version.
Dash says: "When I first started this track, I wanted it to be BIG. Don't know if I made it tought, then again, I believe it's a great track to hear!".
15. Time
Production started in June 2007. Finished in one day, Wave X Samples.
This is one of the best tracks of the album.
Dash says: "I was simply making some sounds with my mouth.. And BAM! The beat came to my mind. Made the song, and I must say I got impressed with myself. Even Zeru loved it!".
16. Ways
Production started in 08 July 2007. Took 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete, Wave X Samples.
This is one of the best tracks of the album.
Dash says: "Had been some time since I've made my last music. So I decided to make one GOOD. Guess I've made it! It could be better tough...".
17. Fairy
Production started in February 2008 and finished in May 2008. Wave X Samples.
This track took a long development.
Dash says: "Initially when I made this track, it sounded to vanished. I felt that something was missing in the music so I've set the track in standby until I find something to fit in it. Some weeks later, when I got to hear it again, I though: I can't find nothing to put in the track, so, whatever, I'll just release it has it is. And here we have it. I can't say it's one of the bests, but anyways, if you don't like it, you can always see it has a 'B-side' track. XD".
18. MBR
Production started in May 2008. Wave X Samples.
Dash says: "MBR means 'Mission Bloody Rage'. This track is more of a tribute to 'Midnight Blood' from 'DJMAX Portable 2'. I simply love the music, so I decided to make one totally diferent but also familiar to it. And here it is. BTW, Zeru liked it. =p".
19. OutGone
The first track created by Zeru. New Age Samples.
This is a bonus track from the album.
Dash says: "This is the ONLY track that Zeru ever made. Initially his album was supposed to be called Vibe Trip. But in the end, he only made this track and abandoned MixWaves due to personal affairs. I've keept his section intact only with this track, until recently when I asked him if I could make his track a bonus track from my album. He accepted, and so, I moved his track from the 'tribute' section to my album. Also, I guess the music will be more valuable in here instead of a stand-alone music.".
20. Collapse
Production started in May 2008. Wave X Samples.
Dash says: "This music is a tribute to the music 'Euphoria' from the album 'Blue Constellations' created by 'Sound Online (Tsukasa)'. The first time I heard the music, somehow I simply got lost in the tune. Not in a way that you don't like, but in a way where you ARE inside the music, but you see yourself in a way that looks without end. Come to think of it, it can even be compared to life itself. So, I decided to at least try to make my own version, similar to the original BUT not equal. In this case, in a tribute mode. Of course, this doesn't compare to the original music, but still, I guess it's a good one to ear.".
21. The Dream
Production started in April 2009. Wave X Samples.
This music is dedicated to ZeroSlugFM.
Dash says: "There had been a long time since I used these samples and I was missing a new music done with them. Also, ZeroSlugFM had made two remixes dedicated to me. So I decided to make a fresh from the start music using these and not another re-arranged music file like the other ones. I started thinking about something to relate the music to, and then it came to me: Dreams! But... a Dream related music? Can be a little to soft... Hmm... I know! A Nightmare! - So that's basically it. The music starts smoothly like a dream, but then, just like that, it turns into a nightmare. Kinda of one where you fight someone or struggle yourself to safety... Also, this music is the first one where I've inserted my own vocals on. With some distorcion of course. Sometimes in the middle of the music, you can ear someone saying something. Yeah, that's me. The words? Here's the order of them: Nightmare, Come Here, Fight Me, Die. Why these words? Because I imagined the Nightmare has a struggle to escape from someone, fight that same someone and in the end, when almost escaping and surviving... You just wake up!".
22. Xmas Blast
Production started in 29 November 2009 and finished the same day. Wave X Samples.
Big Special Thanks to Mim... for the help in creating the track.
Dash says: "This year (2009) I wanted to create an exclusive MixWaves Christmas track. I noticed that I never created an exclusive track dedicated to no special season at all! So, I decided to create a Xmas one. But I must admit that my Xmas spirit it's not that big and my imagination for creating Xmas related stuff is almost null. XD So I asked Mim... a little (big) help. It turned out great. =) Her ideas where pretty good, we agreed most of the times and I guess that the music in the end turned out really cool. Thanks again Mim... =D".
23. Dra-Cas-cu-tle-la
Production started in May 2010. Wave X Samples.
Dash says: "You must see this music has a film. So, the music starts with 12 ballads of a tower. Suddenly, the camera 'falls down' and spots someone in front of a gigantic church pipe organ... Some sort of villan or something... He starts playing, and then, the camera unreveals a hero arrising... Has the hero is running and the enemies start to approach him, he starts to slay them all and, without falter, continues running non-stop, the enemies just can't stop him... - Basically goes around the hero then struggling and voyaging around some castle or mansion or something... This music is Castlevania oriented with a Dance beat in it, it's based in the original Symphony of the Night 'Dracula's Castle' so, it's clear. Hope you like it.".
24. Change of Times
Production started in March 2013. New Ageᴿ Samples.
Dash says: "It's about time this album is completed! Was messing around with the New Age samples and decided to finish this up for good. There's really nothing specific to comment about this track. I just went with the flow of the samples that I would choose, and that's about it.".